Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fatima and Theology of the Body

Christopher West

I have gained a great interest in Fatima because of my work promoting John Paul II's Theology of the Body (TOB). What's the connection?

As most Catholics know, between May 13 and October 13, 1917, Mary appeared to three peasant children in Fatima, Portugal delivering a three-part message the "three secrets" of Fatima, as they've come to be known. The first secret presented a horrifying vision of hell. The second involved a prophecy of World War II and the warning that "Russia would spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church." However, Mary assured the children, "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph."

Mary also told the children that "the Holy Father will have much to suffer." This brings us to the "third secret" of Fatima, which was not publicly revealed until the year 2000. In 1917, the children saw a vision of bullets and arrows fired at "a bishop dressed in white." Sixty-four years later, while driving through the crowd in St. Peter's Square, a "bishop dressed in white" was gunned down by Turkish assassin Ali Agca ... on the memorial of Our Lady of Fatima: May 13, 1981.

Many years later John Paul II reflected: "Agca knew how to shoot, and he certainly shot to kill. Yet it was as if someone was guiding and deflecting that bullet." That "someone," John Paul believed, was the Woman of Fatima. "Could I forget that the event in St. Peter's Square took place on the day and at the hour when the first appearance of the Mother of Christ ... has been remembered ... at Fatima in Portugal? For in everything that happened to me on that very day, I felt that extraordinary motherly protection and care, which turned out to be stronger than the deadly bullet" (Memory and Identity pp. 159, 163).

The fact that John Paul was shot on the memorial of Fatima is well known. What few people know is that the Pope was planning to announce the establishment of his Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family on that fateful afternoon. This was to be his main arm for disseminating his teaching on man, woman, marriage, and sexual love around the globe. Could it be that there were forces at work that didn't want John Paul II's teaching to spread around the world? (In fact, by May 13, 1981, John Paul II was only about half way through delivering the 129 addresses of his TOB. Had he died, obviously, the full teaching never would have been presented.) And could it be that, by saving his life, the Woman of Fatima was pointing to the importance of his teaching reaching the world?

It would be over a year later that John Paul officially established his Institute (of which I'm a proud graduate). On that day, October 7, 1982, not coincidentally the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary ' John Paul II entrusted the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family to the care and protection of Our Lady of Fatima. By doing so, it seems he himself was drawing a connection, at least indirectly, between his miraculous survival and the importance of the Theology of the Body.

Digging deeper, the precise link, I believe, between John Paul II's TOB and Fatima lies in Mary's mysterious words about the "errors of Russia" and the promised "triumph" of her Immaculate Heart. John Paul II's TOB is like weed-killer applied to the deepest roots of the "errors of Russia" that have spread throughout the world. As such, the spread of the TOB throughout the world is a sign, I believe, that Mary is preparing us for her triumph.

Part of Mary's message in Fatima was that "Russia would spread her errors throughout the world." However, "In the end," she said, "my Immaculate Heart will triumph." When we hear of the errors of Russia, we rightly think of the spread of communism. But communism has roots that go deeper than Marxist economic theory.

Marx considered class struggle to be the defining factor of history. But digging deeper, Marx also believed that the fundamental "class struggle" was found in monogamous marriage and, indeed, in the sexual difference itself. "The first division of labor," Marx co-wrote with Frederick Engels, "is that between man and woman for the propagation of children." In turn, Engels affirmed that Marxist theory "demands the abolition of the monogamous family as the economic unit of society" (see The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State).

It seems the deeper revolution and, I would contend, the deeper "error of Russia" is the one aimed at destroying marriage and the family. Indeed, those who seek to deconstruct sexuality in the modern world often draw straight from Marx. As feminist author Shulamith Firestone wrote in The Dialectic of Sex: "[J]ust as the end goal of socialist revolution was ... the elimination of the ... economic class distinction itself, so the end goal of feminist revolution must be ... the elimination of ... the sex distinction itself [so that] genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally." Welcome to the deep-seated sexual confusion in which we're now immersed.

But here's the good news: Just as John Paul II's vision of the human person inaugurated a new kind of revolution that led to the fall of communism, his TOB has also inaugurated a new kind of revolution that will, I believe, lead to the collapse of the dominant sexual ideology.

In his book The Last Secret of Fatima, Cardinal Bertone wrote: "The Communist system seemed invincible, and it looked as if it were going to endure for centuries. But then the whole thing collapsed like a house of cards." Perhaps we can expect the same with the deeper "error of Russia." Indeed, in the Book of Revelation, the "whore of Babylon" that mysterious feminine figure who mocks the Bride of the Lamb is brought to ruin in "one hour." And as she collapses, all the merchants who "gained their wealth from her" (think the porn industry, Planned Parenthood, etc., etc.) "weep and mourn" (Rev 18).

And then comes the triumph of the New Jerusalem, the Bride who has "made herself ready" for her Bridegroom. She is dressed in "fine linen, bright and immaculate" (Rev 19:7-8). She is "clothed with the sun" (Rev 12:1). This radiant Bride, of course, is personified in Mary. "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph." What does this mean? In short, it means that purity of heart will triumph. Somehow the pornographic lies will be redeemed. All of "Babylon's" distortions will be untwisted and we will come to see the human body as it really is as a glorious sign of "the mystery hidden from eternity in God" (TOB 19:4).

By showing us the path to authentic purity (never to be confused with puritanism or prudishness!), John Paul II's TOB paves the way for Mary's triumph. Is it a coincidence that John Paul began writing his TOB on the feast of the Immaculate Conception? Is it a coincidence that he devoted the entire work to "Mary, all beautiful"? Is it a coincidence that she saved his life on the memorial of Fatima so that his teaching could reach the world?
Let us pray for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. It may be closer than we realize. Already in 1994, John Paul wrote that Mary's words spoken in Fatima "seem to be close to their fulfillment" (Crossing the Threshold of Hope, p. 221). Let it be, Lord, according to your word.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Did God Make a Mess of Things?

Peter Youngren

“Look at the mess the world is in. If there is a God of love he sure didn’t do a very good job”, is a frequent comment. Believers may respond, “Well God gave us a free will, we make our own choices”, and from there the discussion goes back and forth. Consider for a moment, what the world and we, the humans, who inhabit this planet, might be like if we were created without the ability to cause harm, evil and destruction. Who would we be? Would such a world even be possible? Are there limits to the power of an Omnipotent God?

Even God can only do that which is logically possible. The Almighty could not create rectangular circles, make two parallel lines meet, cause one plus one to equal three, or make a person whole-heartedly receive Christ’s salvation against his own will. What if God had created a world where the human family would not have regressed into a fallen state?

Imagine a world without human potential to cause harm, hurt, to feel hatred, or to cause war or devastation. This would by necessity also be a world without courage or love, and no one would ever need to overcome personal obstacles. There would be no comeback stories, no accounts of people, who conquered in spite of incredible odds, since no one would have ever experienced any setbacks or hurts. This state of “bliss” would remove the need for humility and forgiveness, either received or given, because we would not have the ability to make any mistakes in our relationship with fellow humans. Or at least our mistakes would not hurt others.

There would be no Terry Fox, because there would be no cancer, no Mother Theresa, because the slums of Calcutta would not exist, no Nelson Mandela, because the very idea of separation of the races would never have entered into the human mind. No one would need to lend a helping hand to his neighbor, because no needy neighbor would exist. If God had created a world the evil was not an option, who would we be? It’s hard to answer these and a thousand other follow up questions that could be asked, because we can only think in terms of who we are in the flawed world in which we now live. It hurts our brain to try to think of a world where only bliss and perfection is possible. It would be a world without love, since no one would need to love or be loved – it would all have been pre-arranged.

God could have easily eliminated all pain and suffering, by simply removing our five senses. But what would we be like without those? What about a universe where we would never meet anyone else? That would do it. If the potential for human relationship was removed, we could never harm or be harmed by anyone. Who would we be in such a world?

Could it be that God actually created the most awesome world logically possible, full of His glory, full of positive hope and redemption? Though we start with a fallen imperfect condition where humans have an inherited propensity towards sin our loving God, who always looks out for the best for His creation, has provided a remedy. God’s plan of redemption puts away the sins of fallen mankind and creates the possibility for everyone to receive new life through the redeemer Jesus Christ.

It makes sense that the potential for both good and evil must exist, especially as none of us would be willing to give up even five percent of our freedom to choose. Since our inherited propensity is to make wrong choices, God’s plan of redemption becomes a sign of a truly loving God.